
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

When I first started Doom Underground, I knew that since I was keeping the information very organised and doing things like generating indices automatically, one really cool thing I could do was generate some statistics on the levels reviewed. At the time I had other priorities, like actually getting the site launched, so the idea got shelved... until now. So here it is, automatic statistics on the WADs reviewed on DU.

Before anyone thinks about drawing any conclusions from this data about Doom WADs and editing in general, I should point out that:

Having said all that, I consider the results interesting, in particular the comparison of Doom editors and tools further down.

Wads by Year

The year in which the WADs were written. The heavy bias towards '98 reflects the year when I was most active at reviewing, and the year in which most Boom WADs were made.

Year Wads Doom = Doom, Doom 2 = Doom 2 Ultimate Doom = Ultimate Doom
1993 0 Doom: 0 Doom 2: 0 Ultimate Doom: 0
1994 47 Doom: 46 Doom 2: 1 Ultimate Doom: 0
1995 35 Doom: 17 Doom 2: 18 Ultimate Doom: 0
1996 35 Doom: 14 Doom 2: 20 Ultimate Doom: 1
1997 24 Doom: 6 Doom 2: 17 Ultimate Doom: 1
1998 78 Doom: 9 Doom 2: 68 Ultimate Doom: 1
1999 65 Doom: 7 Doom 2: 51 Ultimate Doom: 7
2000 9 Doom: 5 Doom 2: 4 Ultimate Doom: 0
2001 8 Doom: 2 Doom 2: 6 Ultimate Doom: 0
2002 6 Doom: 1 Doom 2: 5 Ultimate Doom: 0
2003 4 Doom: 1 Doom 2: 3 Ultimate Doom: 0
2004 4 Doom: 0 Doom 2: 4 Ultimate Doom: 0


I've religiously recorded the tools used to make every WAD that has been reviewed, or at least as well as I can using the information provided in the text files. I've listed the editors first, then the other tools. I've only listed the most popular tools over the archive I have, and since I review a lot of old levels those tend to be the classics like DEU and BSP.

Tool Wads Doom = Doom, Doom 2 = Doom 2 Ultimate Doom = Ultimate Doom
DCK 60 Doom: 8 Doom 2: 52 Ultimate Doom: 0
DeeP 37 Doom: 3 Doom 2: 34 Ultimate Doom: 0
DETH 43 Doom: 9 Doom 2: 32 Ultimate Doom: 2
DEU 69 Doom: 55 Doom 2: 14 Ultimate Doom: 0
DoomCAD 21 Doom: 4 Doom 2: 9 Ultimate Doom: 8
DoomEd 11 Doom: 5 Doom 2: 6 Ultimate Doom: 0
EdMap 11 Doom: 2 Doom 2: 9 Ultimate Doom: 0
WadAuthor 23 Doom: 2 Doom 2: 21 Ultimate Doom: 0
WadEd 31 Doom: 5 Doom 2: 25 Ultimate Doom: 1
Doom Builder 3 Doom: 0 Doom 2: 3 Ultimate Doom: 0
BSP 86 Doom: 45 Doom 2: 33 Ultimate Doom: 8
DEUTex 8 Doom: 1 Doom 2: 7 Ultimate Doom: 0
NWT 34 Doom: 7 Doom 2: 27 Ultimate Doom: 0
RMB 45 Doom: 11 Doom 2: 34 Ultimate Doom: 0
WARM 46 Doom: 6 Doom 2: 40 Ultimate Doom: 0
WinTex 76 Doom: 6 Doom 2: 62 Ultimate Doom: 8
ZenNode 14 Doom: 1 Doom 2: 13 Ultimate Doom: 0

I should also point out some limitations of the data itself: