PHOBOS2 is a 4-level mini-episode which loosely follows the plot of the
early Knee-Deep in the Dead levels. Unlike the originals, the
levels in PHOBOS2 try to be what their names suggest - e.g the Nuclear Plant
has a control room, reactor halls and waste storage areas.
The architecture is a strange combination of high-tech control rooms and
industrial facilities, with dark underground tunnels and caverns. The
high-tech areas were very good, with new textures imported to give a
convincing feel to the rooms. The earthquake-wrecked base style to
the levels was interesting, but the tunnels were perhaps a shade too dark.
The gameplay was rather average. There were some good fights, some not so
good; the episode has relatively few traps, and few memorable
fights either. The episode is interesting enough to play once, but not one
that I would be interested in playing twice.
- Hangar - This level is designed to look like a real airport
(starport?). The start area is very good, with the control tower, runway
complete with aircraft, and the airport main building complete with shops!
Plenty of tough enemies make for a tricky start to the level. But you then
teleport to a bizarre outdoor area, which consists of a cliff face, some
tunnels and brick buildings, which seemed out of place after the start area.
The level finishes with an ignorable cyberdemon.
Nuclear Plant - An attempt at a real nuclear plant. There is
some impressive architecture at this level, like the girder tower at the
start, the girder bridge over the reactor core, and the electricity pylons.
The effect was a bit spoilt by the area joining them all - everything fans
out from a single room, with unrealistically large writing on the doors to
indicate what is what. Most of the opposition pour out of the main areas into
this central junction, all heading your way, so the early part of the level
is a rather tedious shotgun-pounding exercise. There are better fights later
on though.
- Toxin Refinery - The outside of this toxin refinery is
excellent, with large storage tanks, wire fence, and a raised girder walkway
around one of the tanks. This is easily the best outside to a toxin refinery
that I have seen in a Doom level. The fights are good too; you have to use
the tanks as cover against revenants and arachnotrons. However, the inside of
the refinery is an anticlimax, with some good rooms but some which needed a
lot more work. Also, the start area looks very tacky.
- Command Center - This level depicts a ruined command centre, so
is a strange mixture of a few high tech control rooms, and a maze of dark
underground tunnels. I liked the high-tech parts; there is a quite realistic
but not overdone office area, and the main control room is good too. I
particularly liked the outdoor watchtower, where you have to ride up in a
girder lift to reach a keycard, while trying to stop cacodemons from swarming
around the tower. However, the tunnels were a bit too dark, and I got a bit
lost and ran low on ammo for a while.
The music was changed for all 4 levels; one piece was an imported classical
tune, the others were old Doom 1 music.
Overall, PHOBOS2 is an interesting episode. Clearly a lot of effort was
taken to give the levels some realistic and appropriate architecture -
I always prefer to play a toxin refinery that looks like a toxin refinery,
instead of just the same as any other level with a few more barrels
scattered around. This episode is a good example of creating a good theme
without losing any variety in design. But although the gameplay
was interesting, it wouldn't make me play this episode again. For people
like me who appreciate an attempt at realism I can highly
recommend this episode.