Maybe some people can beat this level, but the beginning
was so hard, that I just put on God mode and admired the
scenery for the rest of the level. You start off in a large
courtyard with no weapons and a large amount of big baddies
and potshotting imps shooting at you. When I did find a
shotgun, I only had 16 rounds, not nearly enough to take out
the monsters that were proceeding to tear me a new one.
There doesn't seem to be nearly enough ammunition in this
level. to deal with, even on HMP, the barons, mancubuses,
arachnotrons, and cacodemons that you have to deal with
right off. A shotgun and a few shells are not enough to deal
with this volume of enemies.
Other than that, it is a well designed map. It seems really
jerky, but that could just be my computer. It is rather nice
looking. The only problem seems to be the ammunition factor,
which again, is a personal taste. I'm giving it a GP of 2
mainly because of the ammunition, but that may just be
because I'm not as good of a DOOM player as some others.
I think its too hard. Still, it is well-designed and good